Featured Projects

4300 m3

4553 m3
Stevens Construction
Bonython Tower - Gosford
4300 m3 of concrete place and finish.
This includes the ground floor, levels 1 to 13, roof, driveways, footpaths and numerous flights of stairs.
TEC Concreting were also featured in the Australian National Construction Review. page 127, please select the link ANCR to see more details on the work on this project.
St Hilliers
Commercial Building - Gosford
This development is a mixture of commercial and residential consisting of 4553 m3 of concrete place and finish.
This includes 3 basement slabs, a ground level, level 1,2,3,4,5, roof, car park ramps and numerous flights of stairs throughout the building.
TEC Concreting were also featured in the Australian National Construction Review, page 63. Please click on the following link ANCR to see the work on this project.

11,438 m3

3648 m3
Verve Residences - Newcastle
11,438 m3 of concrete place and finish.
Covering the two towers, including lower ground level, ground level, levels 1 to 19, roof, balconies, stairs and ramps throughout the towers.
ATO - Gosford
3648 m3 of concrete place and finish.
This includes basement slab, lower ground level, basement ramp, messaninne, level 1, 2, 3, roof and numerous flights of stairs and decorative concrete areas.

8400 m3

3344 m3
Waters Edge - Warners Bay
8400 m3 of concrete place and finish.
This included dincel walls, stairs, columns, ground slabs, levels 1-7, ramps and car park using our boom pumps, line pump and hired tower boom.
Grindley Construction (contract in progress)
Opal Aged care facility - Toukley
3344 m3 of concrete placed and finished to date. The two levels in the facility have been poured leaving the external footpaths, courtyard and ramp still to complete. Concrete pours include slabs, walls, columns & stairs. This project is in the final stages of completion.